Our 2024 Leaderboard

The purpose of this leaderboard is to inspire and motivate our members to maintain their physical activity. By choosing to engage with the leaderboard, you consent to adhere to our Terms and Conditions.
A map displaying the Surrey Cycling Club's bike ride route.

Tour de Richmond Park

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A map displaying the Surrey Cycling trail location.

Box Hill 2.2K

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A map displaying the Surrey Cycling Club's trail route.

Staple Lane

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A map showing the route of a trail.

Pyrford Climb

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A map displaying Surrey Cycling Club's bike ride route.

Run into Windsor

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A map of a bike ride route organized by Surrey Cycling Club.

Rippin’it in Ripley

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A map showing the route of a bike ride.

Staines Road to the Roundabout

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A map displaying the Surrey Cycling Club's running route.

Gate to Gate

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A map displaying a running route in Surrey for the Surrey Cycling Club.

Hillingdon Clockwise

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The Surrey Cycling Club ("the Club") maintains an individual effort recognition leaderboard via the Strava website's cycling segments. This leaderboard's goal is to inspire an active lifestyle and honour members who excel in these segments through gifts or tokens of recognition. These tokens are not just provided by the Club but also generously gifted by our friends and partners.

Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully as they regulate your use of this leaderboard.

Participation: The Club does not host these segments as group activities or organise them as races or events. Each individual member decides when and how they wish to engage with these segments, and all participation is voluntary.

Gifts and Tokens of Recognition: The Club, alongside our generous friends and sponsors, may provide gifts or tokens of recognition to members who demonstrate exceptional effort. These are not awards for 'winning' but rather acknowledgements of individual endeavours.

Risk and Safety: Members who engage with these segments do so willingly and are responsible for assessing the involved risks. The Club fervently encourages adherence to the Highway Code at all times and promotes responsible cycling habits. The Club is not liable for any accidents, incidents, injuries, loss or damage which may occur during a ride.

Insurance: The Club advises all its members to have adequate insurance cover for all cycling activities, both within and outside of the Club. We have established a partnership with Sundays Insurance, who offer specialist bicycle insurance. Our Club members are eligible for a 10% discount on their policies. For further details, please visit the Sundays Insurance page and use the discount code: BIKE22.

Liability: Members acknowledge that engagement with the leaderboard activities, either solo or in a group, is at their own risk. The Club, its officials, and members, will not be held accountable for any injury, loss, or damage suffered as a result of participation.

Compliance with Laws: Members commit to adhering to all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to speed limits and the Highway Code. The Club does not endorse any form of reckless or dangerous cycling and maintains the right to suspend the Club membership of those who do not comply with these regulations.

By engaging with the Surrey Cycling Club leaderboard activities, you are consenting to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any aspect of these Terms and Conditions, please refrain from participating. We reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time, and your ongoing participation after such changes will indicate your acceptance of the changes.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we wish you enjoyable and safe cycling!

Updated: 10.03.2024