Our Group Rides

We've developed a detailed Group Chart to ensure every member finds their perfect ride. This guide explains our club groups, speeds, and color coding, aiming to create a fair and enjoyable experience for all. It's designed to help you identify the group that best matches your cycling abilities and preferences, ensuring a comfortable fit for your club rides.

Check if riding in the club is right for you?



Designed for beginners, G1 focuses on foundational group riding skills and fitness through gentle rides. The cruising speed is gentle 22-23km/h, with minimal elevation and a distance of about 30 km. It's a non-drop group with a social pace, perfect for those new to group cycling.

Elevation: Minimal
Potential Distance: ~ 30 KM
Novice Riders


Suitable for those with basic cycling skills, G2 offers a step up in fitness engagement. Group Cruising speed is relaxed at 23-25km/h, with minimal elevation and a potential distance of 50-80 km. This group also maintains a non-drop, social pace, and is ideal for beginners and those returning post-injury.

Elevation: Minimal
Potential Distance: 50-80 KM
Developing Riders


For riders with moderate experience, G3 requires good fitness and confident bike handling over varied distances. The group target cruising speed is 25-28km/h, with rides up to 500m elevation and a distance of 80-120 km. This non-drop group includes social pace and paceline formations, catering to developing riders.

Potential Elevation: ~ 500m
Potential Distance: 80-120 KM
Intermediate Riders


Targeting intermediate skill riders, G4 offers longer distances that demand high fitness levels and proficient bike handling. The group target cruising speed is 28-30km/h, with rides approximately 2000m elevation and a distances averaging between 120-160 km or more. This non-drop group includes training, paceline, chain-gang, and Audax rides.

Potential Elevation: 2000m +
Potential Distance: 160 KM +
Advanced Riders


For highly experienced cyclists, G5 encompasses rigorous rides that require excellent fitness and expert bike handling. The target group cruising speed is 30-34km/h, and rides can be with over 2000m elevation and distances exceeding 160 km. It includes training, tempo pace, paceline, chain-gang, and Audax rides.

Potential Elevation: 2000m +
Potential Distance: 160 KM +
Elite Cyclists


The most challenging group, G6 demands elite fitness, top-tier bike handling, and extensive cycling experience. Cruising speed exceeds 34km/h, and rides can be with over 2000m elevation and distances exceeding 160 km. This group includes training, race pace, paceline, chain-gang, and Audax rides.

Potential Elevation: 2000m +
Potential Distance: 160 KM +
Group Cruising Speed is our steady speed target, maintained throughout the ride on flat terrain. This adaptable pace is crafted to ensure a unified riding experience for all participants. Adjustments to the speed might be necessary due to factors like weather, road conditions, group dynamics, and ride distance, promoting teamwork and mutual support within the group.

Group Paces and The Drop/No-Drop Policy

We adapt our group ride approach to fit each group's characteristics. In social, beginners and intermediate groups, we prioritise inclusion. For advanced and elite groups, while individual or group pace is important, safety and support are always a key. Ride Leaders are available to help members find the right pace, ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone.

Maintaining Advertised Pace

  • All groups aim to maintain their advertised group pace on flat and rolling terrains.
  • Pace guidelines for each group are available and must be observed by all riders.
  • Ride leaders may adjust the pace due to safety, weather, group size, or other influencing factors.

Hill Climbing

  • Climbing naturally spreads the group due to differing abilities.
  • Riders should regroup at the top of the climb or maintain a reduced pace until everyone is back together.

Mechanical & Health Issues

  • For minor mechanical issues, the group will pause to allow for repairs.
  • In case of significant mechanical failures, the affected member should be prepared for self-sufficiency, though the group will provide assistance to ensure safety.
  • The club stresses the importance of stopping for any medical concerns.

Choosing the Right Group

  • Members are encouraged to choose groups aligned with their ability for a safe and enjoyable ride.
  • If a member struggles with the group's pace, they should inform the ride leader. A brief pace adjustment may be made to accommodate them.
  • If the member continues to struggle, and another group is following, they might be advised to join the subsequent group.
  • In cases where no group is trailing, and the member feels uncomfortable proceeding solo, the ride leader can slow the group's pace temporarily to ensure the rider's safe return.
  • Occasionally, some riders may wish to break from the main group and move faster. These "fliers" do so at their own risk, understanding that the main group won't chase. Members should note that flying ahead can disrupt the cohesion of the group.

Addressing Incorrect Group Choices

  • Ride leaders should identify and communicate with newcomers or those stepping up to gauge their comfort and preparedness.
  • If someone is in the wrong group, they should be informed early on and provided guidance, possibly suggesting they join a more suitable group trailing behind.
  • If no group follows, the main group may consider adjusting the pace temporarily. However, if this doesn't resolve the issue, another member (not the primary ride leader) should volunteer to accompany the individual, ensuring their safe return.

Special Considerations for Advanced Groups G5 & G6

  • Members in these groups are expected to be self-sufficient and should prepare for the possibility of riding solo if they can't maintain the minimum advertised pace.
  • Ride leaders retain the discretion to decide whether to enact the no-drop policy based on group dynamics and the particular ride's circumstances.

Final Note: Safety and camaraderie are paramount. Our policy aims to ensure all members enjoy their rides while promoting group cohesion and mutual support. Always communicate any concerns or issues with your ride leader.

Is riding in a club for me?

If you are keen to join rides with Surrey Cycling Club (SCC), please start with the checklist below:

Social Interaction: Do you enjoy the camaraderie that comes with group activities, and are you open to making new friends who share your interest in cycling?

Group Rides: Are you comfortable riding in a group? Group riding can be different from solo cycling and requires awareness of others, good communication, and adherence to certain protocols for safety.

Fitness Level: Are you able to maintain a reasonable pace over extended periods, usually between 2-4 hours? Each group has its 'Group Cruising Speed' which is the pace we expect our group and all riders to maintain on flat terrain.

Challenge and Progress: Are you interested in improving your cycling skills, increasing your endurance, and pushing your limits in a supportive environment?

Safety & Respect: Are you willing to respect the rules of the road, adhere to our club's safety protocols, and show consideration for your fellow riders, drivers, and pedestrians?

Community Involvement: Do you enjoy being part of a community that organises events, social gatherings, and club rides?

Consistent Participation: While we do not mandate a minimum attendance, are you keen to take part in our rides on a fairly regular basis? We understand that life can be busy, and you're always welcome to join us whenever you can!

Remember, if you've answered 'Yes' to most of these questions, Surrey Cycling Club could be an excellent fit for you. We'd love to have you join one of our demo rides to experience the club first-hand.
A member of Surrey Cycling Club rides a bike on a bridge.

Bobby M.

" Surrey Cycling Club is great to be a part of, not solely because of well planned rides/events/trips but because of the people that make it. SCC has around 60 active members of all levels, male and female alike, and they're ALL amazing. "
A man from Surrey Cycling Club is posing for a photo.


" The club have different levels of riding groups to suit your riding style I highly recommend the club. We are like one big family. "
Surrey Cycling Club riding down a road.


" I have been members for a year and our club is Friendliest cycling club in Surrey, Well organized. Great bunch of people. "

Join Surrey Cycling Club

Membership start from £49 per year.